About Us
Jesus said: “In this world you will have tribulation. But take heart. I have overcome this world.” (John 16:33)
As an individual who has been diagnosed with this life-ending disease of ALS, this statement by Jesus provides hope for all of eternity. The knowledge that I will be spending eternity in a place where there is no pain or health issues, a place that is full of love and peace and joy, is what gets me through each day.
After being diagnosed, and as I was trying to come to grips with ALS and what it meant for me, my family and our future, I realized that there is really no dedicated resource specifically related to ALS that helps provide current hope and comfort to those individuals who either have ALS or are significantly impacted by this dreadful disease (as a result of someone they love and care about who has ALS).
The mission of the ALS Family of Faith is to provide comfort and hope for all individuals who are involved and impacted with ALS. It is, hopefully, a place where individuals involved with ALS can be loved, supported, listened to and prayed for.
As believers in Christ for our eternal salvation, Jesus’s last command was for us to “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation.” (Mark 16:15)
In an intentional and committed way, our goal is to lovingly be there (to love like Christ) for individuals who would like to reach out to us for comfort, strength, peace and joy despite their current circumstances. And, of course, in the end we hope all individuals come to a saving faith in Jesus Christ.
So, we hope and pray that people involved with ALS will take advantage of this initiative and be encouraged that God is with us all the time and He lovingly provides us with much appreciated and desired eternal hope.